Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, my candles are being stocked at...

I'm very excited, since yesterday some of my most beautiful tea cup candles are being stocked in Melbourne city centre at "Lady", a pretty little Boutique that stocks some great local fashion labels, and now also some tea cup candles by TwilightSpells:-)

photo by ladyboutique

Lovely Petrova who runs "Lady" also has her own fashion label. Take a peek here . (And, pssshhht, she was also on Project Runaway last year...)

If you want to check out her shop go to 237 Flinders Lane, down Scott Alley. It is a fabulous little store!

These are some of the candles I made for her shop, 15 in total. This is the largest order I have had so far, it was a total fragrance-overload.
In the end most surfaces in the kitchen were covered with a thin layer of soy wax, including the floor and I was staggering through a huge mess, frantically hanging on to the saucepan with wax in my hand, numbed by the ovepowering scents of Vanilla, Rose, Frangipani, Chocolate, Lavender... It was an exciting experience! I loved every minute of it, I didn't want to give any of my pretty little tea cup candles away!

1 comment:

Rabbit and the Duck said...

Congratulations! What a great store to be stocked in!