Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm over colds and flus!

The last day of august already, isn't winter offcially finished tomorrow??? Or is that later on in september? The last couple of days have been quite mild here in Melbourne, there was definitely a whiff of spring in the air.. Smiling, I tucked my cold-and-flu tablets deeply into the bathroom drawer, surely I wouldn't need them again before next year... last night I got them out again as my nose is completely blocked, my whole body is aching, I'm coughing and there is this general under-the-weather-feeling. I'm spending my Sunday at home on the couch.
And I wanted to go to the Melbourne Etsy seller meet-up today!! Not much point, coughing and sneezing at everyone. I hope I can make it to the next one!
Some things have been happening in my Etsy-store, I've had four sales so far! I'm very proud *beaming with pride* That's definitely a start.
Apart from listing new cup candles and shopping for more cups (there haven't been many tea cups around lately, I must have bought them all!;-)) I'm also working on some new products. I'm currently experimenting with oil burner melts and hey, they are turning out nicely so far. They will be made with pure essential oils. That is going to be my little aromatherapy line.:-) I can't wait to put them up in my shop, just have to do some more testing etc.
I would also like to do some more mosaics, I love making mosaics! Just the process of cutting up glass is so annoying (one day I have to put up a photo of me in my protective gear cutting up glass, looks like I'm going to perform surgery!) and it really makes my wrist and hand hurt. I know there are tools to make the whole thing a bit easier, but they also cost quite a bit. Eventually, eventually..Rome hasn't been built in a day after all.
I'm off now, I will try to kill this cold. First I'm going to drown it in tea and then burn it with hot steam. And if that fails I get the herbal tablets out! That might scare it to death.. well, you can always hope.
Hope you are all well and healthy, see you soon!

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