Thursday, September 4, 2008

stilll coughing

After five days I'm still coughing and probably sounding a bit french when speaking since my nose is blocked. Not that there was much of a chance to recover over the last few days, there are always these unexpected things coming up, for example tuesday: After 8 hours of running after Kids AND lots of talking (Kids just don't understand that you might want to rest your voice, they never do it after all!) all I wanted was to go home, lay on the couch and finally shut up.
I wish.. I got home, my fiance Luke was running around between house and electricity meter trying to read it and explaining everything to me. That was very nice of him to sort that all out, I was just so tired.. then he was going to cook dinner, I rang his sister as it was her birthday. We had a quick, nice chat but my voice was getting less and less, the cough increased.

I finished talking, Luke said: "we don't have any water"
Me: "What??"
Luke: "There is no water coming out of the taps."

More running around between house and meters, gentle turning of the water meter tap wich did absolutaly nothing. Strangly enough the meter was measuring water usage although we obviuosly didn't use anything!
Call to the water company, they were going to send someone out. 15 minutes later a guy with massive torch turned up and checked out the meter. Turned out that there had been some repair work on the main pipe that very morning and the clever person that did the job connected our water pipe to the meter of the unit next to us and theirs to our meter!!!
We did have water again but it left us with the following questions:

-Who pays for what water usage from now on?
-Why wasn't our water turned on?
-Does the person that conducted the repair need glasses?? OH YES!!
-What happened to that evening of silence i was planning on?

We cooked dinner(now we had water again), we ate, we were discussing holiday plans in Queensland... as you can see we did all sorts of stuff that night, just being quiet i didn't manage...


kumezee said...

hope you are doing well now.
love your shop :)

Twilight Spells said...

Thank you!! I'm fine now, finally. About time :-) Now i can put some more energy into my shop!